February 2017, INESC TEC received
the visit of Dr. Barna
Kovács, Associate Professor at the Department
of General and Physical Chemistry of the University of Pécs (Hungary). His
visit was part of the first short-term scientific meeting (STSM) in the scope
This one week STSM took place at the laboratories of the Centre for
Applied Photonics (CAP) at the Faculty of Sciences of the
University of Porto (FCUP), where Dr. Barna collaborated with Dr. Pedro Jorge.
students learned different techniques and tested new sensing materials, from
the University of Pécs, to enable new optical chemical sensors. The work
comes as a natural sequence of previous collaborations where the team already
used different indicators for environmental monitoring and aquaculture
(detection of dissolved CO2 and pH, projects AQUAMONITOR,
and CORAL).
Dr. Barna also shared his experience with antifouling materials that are being
tested to make feasible the use of the sensors in an aquatic environment.
Barna visited the laboratory of the Centre for
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CRAS) at ISEP as well, where the needs
for monitoring chemical parameters, in the context of different projects, were evaluated.
this STSM resulted some ideas for common projects and collaborations, which
soon will be materialized as joint applications in competitive funding calls.
The 2016 STRONGMAR conference was held at Porto (Portugal) on the 17th of November 2016. It was organized by INESC TEC with the support of Fórum Oceano (the Portuguese Association of Maritime Economy) and took place within the BUSINESS2SEA 2016 event.
The conference was chaired by Dr. Alan J. Jamieson, which is a Senior Lecturer in Marine Ecology at Newcastle University.
The programme was mainly devoted to sea science, and comprised ten talks from speakers of the British Geological Survey (Scotland, UK), CIIMAR (Portugal), INESC TEC (Portugal), IPMA (Portugal), the Marine Scotland Science (Scotland, UK), the Newcastle University (England, UK), the Scottish Marine Institute (Scotland, UK) and the Strathclyde University (Scotland, UK).
The STRONGMAR conferences take place every year from 2016 to 2018. The next editions will be devoted to sea technology and sea innovation, in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
The Winter
School on Underwater Vision and Robotics was held at Girona (Spain) from the 17th to the 21st of October 2016. It
was organized by our partners of the Universitat
de Girona (ViCOROB – Computer Vision and Robotics Research Group and CIRS –
Girona Underwater Vision and Robotics Research Centre).
The programme
comprised lectures on underwater robotics, underwater vision and underwater
mission planning; and hands-on training on underwater vision and underwater
mission planning.
The school participants
were all students and researchers from the Centre for Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (CRAS) of INESC TEC, which presented and discussed their research
activities and interests.
The Summer School on Introduction to Advanced Marine
Technologies was held at Portugal from the 27th of June to the 8th of July 2016.
It was organized by our partners of the Universitat de Girona (ViCOROB –
Computer Vision and Robotics Research Group and CIRS – Girona Underwater Vision
and Robotics Research Centre) and by the Portuguese Navy (Naval Academy and CINAV).
The first week programme comprised lectures from CINTAL, the Heriot-Watt
University, the Portuguese Navy, the Universitat de Girona and the University
of Aberdeen, at the Naval Academy.
The second week programme comprised hands-on training at sea with the SPARUS II
AUV by researchers of the CIRS, and also field trials of prototypes and new
developments from INESC TEC. All the activities were performed on-board a
support vessel and had the full collaboration of the Portuguese Navy.
The school participants were all students and researchers from the R&D centres
for Applied Photonics (CAP), for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CRAS) and for
Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM) of INESC TEC.
kick-off meeting was held on the 7th and 8th of March 2016 at Porto (Portugal)
and joined together the six partners of the consortium.